Brews Motor Oil

Brew 77 – Motor Oil (Imperial Stout)


Brews Motor Oil

Brew 57 – Motor Oil (Russian Imperial Stout)

I got the ingredients from Brewer’s Edge instead of Siciliano’s. They did not have bulk Dark LME so I used Golden LME instead and increased the amount of chocolate, black patent, and roasted barley grains. I did not crush up the flaked oats with the grains. I used my large grain bag and I lost […]

Brews Motor Oil

Brew 50 – Motor Oil (Russian Imperial Stout)

I got the ingredients from Siciliano’s instead of Brewers Edge this time. I crushed up the flaked oats with the grains. During kegging the final gravity was higher than I expected. Perhaps I didn’t let it sit long enough. It tasted sweeter than I wanted while kegging, but tasted great. After letting it sit in […]