
Brew 70 – Severnaya (Breakfast Stout)

A Founders Breakfast Stout clone mostly based on the recipe at BYO. Similar to Brew 40 – Severnaya (Breakfast Stout).

  • Steeped (30 min)
    • 22 oz Flaked Oats
    • 1.0 lb Chocolate Malt
    • 12 oz Roasted Barley Malt
    • 9 oz Debittered Black Malt
    • 7 oz Crystal Malt 120L
    • 1.8 oz coarsely ground Espresso Coffee
    • 1.8 oz coarsely ground Kona Coffee
  • Additions
    • 90 min: 2.5 oz Dark, Bittersweet Baker’s Chocolate
    • 90 min: 1.5 oz Unsweetened Chocolate Baking Squares
    • 60 min: 9.0 lb Dark LME
  • Hops
    • 60 min: 1.0 oz Nugget (Alpha 13.9%)
    • 30 min: 0.5 oz Willamette (Alpha 6.0%)
    • 0 min: 0.5 oz Willamette (Alpha 6.0%)
  • Misc
    • 10 min: Wirlfloc Tablet
  • Yeast
    • 2x Safale S-04 English Ale Yeast


  • Got ingredients at Siciliano’s.
  • Switched to Dark LME and no DME.
  • Changed from Sumatra to Espresso Italiano coffee.
  • I thought the brew store ground the coffee beans but they did not so I put them in a plastic bag and just smashed them all.
  • Filled pot to middle of rivets.
  • Steeped for 30 minutes instead of 40.
  • Added chocolate in a metal strainer until it melted, but some still got on the bottom of the pot and burned a little.
  • I did not observe any bubbles through the airlock. I suspect my blue bucket lid is leaking some air through the sides. It did appear to ferment though. On 2022-02-12 I measured FG and transferred to secondary.
  • Primary: 13
  • Secondary: 14
  • OG: 1.075 @ 77F
  • FG: 1.028 @ 69F
  • ABV: 6.2%
  • Calories: 254

This one turned out great. Do again.