
Brew 16 – Nut Brown Ale

Having a 2-year old and a 3-month old means not too much free time, so I haven’t brewed in a while. I picked up a Muntons Nut Brown Ale kit to have something quick to do. It’s just hopped malt extract with a dry yeast packet. I boiled the hopped malt extract for an hour in about 4.5 gal. I did not add the additional sugar that the kit recipe called for, thinking I would use less water instead. But I ended up with quite a lower original gravity than their recipe called out with the sugar added.

This one had an oily residue on top when I transferred from the fermenter to the bottling bucket. It probably did not help that it sat in the fermenter for 40 days. It did not taste that great either. Hopefully it will at least carbonate so it is not all wasted.

Carbonated but doesn’t taste great. Don’t need to do again.

  • Primary: 40 days
  • OG: 1.030 @ 78
  • FG: 1.008 @ 64
  • ABV: 3.1%