20 Gauge Brews

Brew 80 – 20 Gauge (Pumpkin Spice Ale)

  • Steeped Grains (30 min)
    • 1.0 lb Caramunich II [1]
    • 0.5 lb Crystal 80L
    • 0.5 lb Carapils
  • Additions
    • 90 min: 75 oz canned pumpkin
    • 90 min: 8.0 lb Pilsen Light LME [2]
    • 10 min: 2.5 tsp Cinnamon
    • 10 min: 1.5 tsp Nutmeg
    • 10 min: 1.25 tsp Allspice
  • Hops
    • 60 min: 1 oz Northern Brewer 11.4 AAU
    • 30 min: 1 oz UK East Kent Goldings 5.6 AAU
  • Misc
    • 10 min: Irish Moss / Whirlfloc
  • Yeast
    • Safale US-05
  • Brewed: 2023-08-29
  • Primary: 53
  • Secondary:
  • Kegged: 2023-10-20
  • OG: 1.060 @ 79F
  • FG:
  • ABV:
  • Calories:


  • [1] I didn’t see plain “Munich” grain so tried Caramunich II.
  • [2] The brew store didn’t have bulk Golden Light so I switched to Pilsen Light.
  • I forgot to measure FG.