Recipes Sides

Squash Salad

  • Spinach
  • 1 butternut squash
  • Container of crumbled feta cheese
  • Raspberry/garlic vinaigrette dressing (or other)
  1. Dice and cook squash (toss in oil and bake at 450F for 30 min)
  2. Cut/tear up spinach
  3. Spread squash, feta on spinach

So, the first time I made this I cut up the squash into about 1″ cubes and fried it on the frying pan. This took just over 30 minutes! I might look into a faster or more hands-off way to do the squash next time.

2021-10-19: Roasted diced, oiled squash in the oven at 400F for 15 minutes, then 475F for another 15. Only did the temperature change because we were doing crab rangoons. Might have worked fine to just use the higher temp the whole time. I used garlic vinaigrette which was super good.