Brews Motor Oil

Brew 57 – Motor Oil (Russian Imperial Stout)

  • Steeped (30 min; flameout at ~168F)
    • 1.0 lb flaked oats
    • 1.5 lb Chocolate
    • 1.25 lb Black Patent
    • 0.5 lb Crystal 80L
    • 0.75 lb Roasted Barley
  • Additions
    • 60 min: 11.0 lbs Golden LME
    • 10 min: Wirlfloc tablet
  • Hops
    • 60 min: 1.5 oz Bravo
    • 10 min: 1.0 oz Columbus
    • 10 min: 1.0 oz Cascade
  • Yeast
    • 2x Safale US-05

I got the ingredients from Brewer’s Edge instead of Siciliano’s. They did not have bulk Dark LME so I used Golden LME instead and increased the amount of chocolate, black patent, and roasted barley grains. I did not crush up the flaked oats with the grains. I used my large grain bag and I lost a lot of water when removing the grains – probably close to a gallon. However, I had close to a gallon of LME so that brought it back up close to 5 gallons total again. It took over 45 minutes starting from cold water to get to 165F to steep. Lost maybe half a gallon during the boil. So the OG was higher than previous time but more like what I was going for with this recipe anyway.

  • Primary: 14 days
  • OG: 1.095 @ 75F
  • FG: 1.031 @ 73F
  • ABV: 8.4%
  • Calories: 321