
Brew 41 – Black Beauty (Black IPA)

This is mainly based on the recipe at

  • Steeped Grains (40 min)
    • 20.0 oz Chocolate Malt
    • 12.0 oz Crystal 40L
    • 12.0 oz Crystal 80L
    • 8.0 oz Carafa II
    • 2.0 oz Black Patent Malt
  • Fermentables
    • 7.0 lbs Pale Ale LME
  • Hops
    • 1.0 oz Centennial @ 60 min
    • 1.0 oz Centennial @ 30 min
    • 1.0 oz Cascade @ 15 min
    • 1.0 oz Cascade @ 5 min
    • 2.0 oz Cascade Dry Hopped
  • Yeast
    • 2x Safale US-05

This one turned out to be fairly decent. I wouldn’t say it’s great, but very drinkable. Very dark color with a bitter initial bite. Mouthfeel and aftertaste are meh.

  • Primary: 6 days
  • Secondary: 21 days
  • OG: 1.056 @ 76
  • FG: 1.013 @ 64
  • ABV: 5.8%
  • Calories: 197