
Brew 33 – Dwarf (Imperial Stout)

Converted Expedition Stout clone recipe from

  • Fermentables
    • 9 lb Golden Light LME
    • 4 lb Pilsen Light LME
  • Steeped Grains
    • 1.0 lb flaked barley
    • 1.5 lb roasted barley
    • 1.0 lb black patent
    • 1.0 lb crystal 80
    • 0.5 lb chocolate malt
  • Hops
    • 2.5 oz Centennial 10% @ 45 min
    • 1.5 oz Centennial 10% @ 30 min
    • 1.0 oz Centennial 10% @ 0 min
  • Yeast
    • Safale US-05 (2 packets)


  • I only put 4-4.5 gallons of water in since I had over 1 gallon of LME. I should have put the full 5 gallons of water in since I lost a lot while steeping.
  • Gravity was lower than the estimated 1.110. Perhaps use closer to 14 lb of LME.
  • I used 1.0 oz of Centennial at 0 minutes instead of the called-for 0.5 oz.
  • I forgot to use a Wirlfloc tablet.

I kegged this one after 14 days and tried it after 4 days in the keg. It is pretty good, but I think I needed to let it age a bit longer. The sweetness level is good. The roast character is good. It is not as thick and creamy as I’d like. Maybe use more flaked barley?

After a couple weeks in the keg this one developed a bad aftertaste. It is not great.

  • Primary: 6 days
  • Secondary: 8 days
  • OG: 1.104 @ 77
  • FG: 1.033 @ 65
  • ABV: 9.7%