Brews Severnaya

Brew 22 – Severnaya (Breakfast Stout)

A Founders Breakfast Stout clone mostly based on the recipe at BYO

  • Steeped (40 min)
    • 22 oz Flaked Oats
    • 1.0 lb Chocolate Malt
    • 12 oz Roasted Barley Malt
    • 9 oz Debittered Black Malt
    • 7 oz Crystal Malt 120L
    • 2.0 oz coarsely ground Sumatra Coffee
  • Additions
    • 90 min: 2.5 oz Dark, Bittersweet Baker’s Chocolate
    • 90 min: 1.5 oz Unsweetened Chocolate Baking Squares
    • 60 min: 1.7 lb Light DME
    • 30 min: 6.6 lb Light LME
  • Hops
    • 60 min: 1.0 oz Nugget (Alpha 13.3%)
    • 30 min: 1.0 oz Tettnang (Alpha 4.5%)
  • Misc
    • 10 min: Wirlfloc Tablet
  • Yeast
    • Safale S-04 English Ale Yeast

Mostly the same as #13.

  • Steeped coffee grounds in a grain sock by themselves instead of adding them at flame-out.
  • Boiled baker’s chocolate for 90 minutes instead of adding at flameout.
  • Added full 1.0 oz of Tettnang at 30 minutes by accident
  • Different yeast
  • Steeped for 40 minutes instead of 30

Notes for next time:

  • Get a separate grain bag for the oats; the combined grains and oats in one bag was too large.
  • Add an extra 1″-1.5″ or so of water before steeping because so much is absorbed by the oats.

This one was extremely tasty. It’s a good recipe.

  • Primary: 10 days
  • Secondary: 10 days
  • OG: 1.073 @ 77
  • FG: 1.020 @ 69
  • ABV: 7.14%