
Brew 20 – IPA

Based on

  • Steeped Grains (30 min)
    • 1.0 lb Crystal 40
  • Fermentables
    • 6.0 lb Light LME
  • Hops
    • 1.0 oz Warrior @ 60 min
    • 0.5 oz Amarillo @ 15 min
    • 0.5 oz Amarillo @ 5 min
    • 0.5 oz Amarillo @ flameout
    • 1.5 oz Amarillo @ dry hopped
  • Yeast
    • White Labs Liquid London Ale Yeast WLP013

This is the first beer that I kegged in my new keezer. I set the regulator to 12 PSI and plan on slow force carbonating for a week or so.

  • Primary: 7 days
  • Secondary: 9 days
  • OG: 1.046 @ 68
  • FG: 1.008 @ 67
  • ABV: 4.9%