
Brew 18 – Peanut Butter Cup Porter

Mostly based on

  • Steeped Grains (45 min)
    • 14.0 oz Crystal 80L
    • 8.0 oz Munich
    • 7.0 oz Roasted Barley
    • 6.0 oz Chocolate
    • 4.0 oz Flaked Oats
    • 4.0 oz Flaked Barley
  • Fermentables
    • 7.2 lb Pilsen LME
  • Additions
    • 1.0 lb Milk Sugar (Lactose)
    • 8.0 oz Bell Plantation PB2 with Premium Chocolate @ 60 min.
    • 8.0 oz Bell Plantation PB2 with Premium Chocolate @ 30 min.
  • Hops
    • 0.5 oz Magnum (DE) @ 60 min
    • 0.25 oz Fuggle (UK) @ 15 min
  • Yeast
    • White Labs Liquid California Ale Yeast WLP001

During transfer to secondary I tasted a small portion and could not pick up the peanut butter / chocolate. Hopefully it will come through in the finished product. If not, I might not want to boil it and instead add it at flameout.

When bottling the peanut flavor was very apparent, but it wasn’t much of a “peanut butter” flavor. I also did not pick up on much chocolate. We’ll see how it is after a few weeks of bottle conditioning.

Well, after several weeks the taste is about the same. There is a very strong peanut taste, not very peanut buttery though, and I do not pick up on any chocolate. This beer was also under-carbonated. If I try this one again I should use separate baker’s chocolate and not the PB2 with chocolate included. I might use a different solution for the peanut butter as well. There was very little head. I’m not sure if the PB2 killed the head retention or if this is purely because it was undercarbed.

  • Primary: 6 days
  • Secondary: 10+1 days
  • OG: 1.076 @ 73
  • FG: 1.030 @ 59
  • ABV: 4.15%